Diuretic Park 2: The Revenge of the Fuzzywhumples

Spring 1995; 53 minutes; cast and crew of 12; approximate cost of $10; rated PG-13.


The story to this is very loosely based on the novel and movie Jurassic Park. To a greater extent, it's simply an excuse to reuse the latex raptor head from the first movie. It is also a movie which explores what happens when the fuzzywhumple and the raptor are locked in combat (see right).

The plot is a mixture of two elements. The first: a fair quantity of raptors have managed to escape from Diuretic Park, and are now tormenting the good people of Oregon. Who can stop them? Alan Grant and his girlfriend Ellen Sattler (right), of course! The second element is a little more elaborate. The mad scientist who opened a gateway to Fuzzywhumple Land by writing The Fuzzywhumple Storybook is using the fuzzywhumples as a means to an end, the end being total world domination. Not content with the whumples' progress, he creates a humanoid monster named "Creature" and a robot named "Robot" to speed things along. But Fred Parker (Invasion of the Fuzzywhumples) is still alive to thwart his plans...
Lowdown on the plot now that you know the premise: Nearly everyone dies. The mad scientist is killed by mutinous whumples, Grant and Sattler are killed by raptors, and, well, Fred Parker just sort of walks off after impaling Creature with a wooden pole.

List of characters played by Chris Murray

  • Mad Scientist: his biggest role in this movie; he had to learn all the lines that same day because the original actor had unforseen conflicts and the scene could not be delayed.
  • Jogger: a guy that runs around in spandex and generally acts annoying, even after he is blinded by a dilophosaurus.
  • Hat Man: a guy that walks on screen (seen on right), mistakes a whumple for a cat, and gets shot in the head (thus flinging his hat into the air and earning him his conspicuous name).
  • Unnamed Singer: acts like a freak in the "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" intermission.


This movie was influenced by most of the same movies that the first Diuretic Park rips off of (Jurassic Park, Police Squad, etc.) but there are some new movies targeted as well (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Terminator 2).


This was the first Tokugawa Pictures production filmed out of order. It was filmed about as randomly as possible over the course of a few weeks. The editing was done linearly on a shuttle-based VHS editing system at a public access studio. (Diuretic Park and Invasion of the Fuzzywhumples subsequently appeared on television.)


  • In the mad scientist scenes, dry ice was put in beakers of colored water, making them bubble. This was a fairly inexpensive effect that really added to the atmosphere.
  • This was the first Tokugawa Picture to be edited, and the improvement in quality is obvious.
  • When Fred Parker kills Creature near the end of the movie, he shoves a wooden pole into his chest. (A hole was torn in his shirt, and ketchup was poured around it. The pole, now broken, was stuck in his shirt. It's simple but it works.) This whole scene has somewhat realistic fighting maneuvers in it and turned out to be one of the more enjoyable scenes in the movie. Of course, part of this is due to Tom Ishii (as Creature) who actually kicked me in the face and stomach once or twice during the scene. The idea of physical pain and actually doing what your character is doing got its start in this movie and has added much to our subsequent movies.
  • The use of a female actor. Yes, this was the first Tokugawa movie to use a girl for a character (Ellen Sattler). The explanation for the delay is as follows. In Invasion of the Fuzzywhumples, a female was going to play the part of Karen, the sleazy pervert's girlfriend, but she got strep throat at the last minute and the part was filled by Chris Murray. Diuretic Park had no females in it other than my mom, and she doesn't count because she had no choice in the matter of playing a corpse.

Lessons learned

  • Stereo sound is to be cherished. In this movie, the shuttle-type editing consoles worked great, with one exception: whenever there was background music it played on the left channel and all other sound played on the right channel. This sounds okay in theory, but the sound quality suffered and the movie was not as "real" since it was not in stereo. After that experience I used my home VCR (which has limited editing functions) because it offered stereo sound in addition to higher sound and image quality (at the expense of precise cut openings).
  • Lighter fluid "burns cold" so it's more difficult to burn yourself with it. In Diuretic Park 2, Grant sets fuzzywhumples on fire and flings them around. This would have been harder to accomplish had gasoline been used instead...
  • Fight scenes only look good if you're not worried about injuring the other actor.
  • Don't overcomplicate the script.
