A PKD reference list
Novel publication information relates to the first edition; in
most cases there are more recent editions in print that may be easier
to find (and easier on the wallet). This list is far from exhaustive,
but should help get you started.
Dick, Philip K. The Broken Bubble. NY: Arbor House, 1988.
---. Clans of the Alphane Moon. NY: Ace Books, 1964.
---. Confessions of a Crap Artist. NY: Entwhistle Books,
---. The Cosmic Puppets. NY: Ace Books, 1957.
---. Counter-Clock World. NY: Berkeley, 1967.
---. The Crack in Space. NY: Ace Books, 1966.
---. The Dark-Haired Girl. Willimantic, CT: Mark V. Ziesing,
---. The Divine Invasion. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1981.
---. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? NY: Doubleday,
---. Dr. Bloodmoney, Or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
NY: Ace Books, 1965.
---. Dr. Futurity. NY: Ace Books, 1960.
---. Eye in the Sky. NY: Ace Books, 1957.
---. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. NY: Doubleday,
---. Galactic Pot-Healer. NY: Berkeley, 1969.
---. The Game-Players of Titan. NY: Ace Books, 1963.
---. Gather Yourselves Together. Herndon, VA: WCS Books,
---. Humpty Dumpty in Oakland. London: Victor Gollancz
Ltd., 1986.
---. In Milton Lumky Territory. NY: Dragon Press, 1985.
---. In Pursuit of Valis: Selections From the Exegesis.
Ed. Lawrence Sutin. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1991.
---. Lies, Inc.. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1984. See
also The Unteleported Man.
---. The Man in the High Castle. NY: Putnam, 1962.
---. The Man Who Japed. NY: Ace Books, 1956.
---. The Man Whose Teeth Are All Exactly Alike. Willimantic,
CT: Mark V. Ziesing, 1984.
---. Martian Time-Slip. NY: Ballantine Books, 1964.
---. Mary and the Giant. NY: Arbor House, 1987.
---. A Maze of Death. NY: Doubleday, 1970.
---. Nick and the Glimmung. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd.,
---. Now Wait For Last Year. NY: Doubleday, 1966.
---. Our Friends From Frolix 8. NY: Ace Books, 1970.
---. The Penultimate Truth. NY: Belmont, 1964.
---. Puttering About in a Small Land. Chicago: Academy
Chicago Publishers, 1985.
---. Radio Free Albemuth. NY: Arbor House, 1985.
---. A Scanner Darkly. NY: Doubleday, 1977.
---. The Simulacra. NY: Ace Books, 1964.
---. Solar Lottery. NY: Ace Books, 1955.
---. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. NY: Doubleday,
---. Time Out of Joint. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1959.
---. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. NY: Timescape
Books, 1982.
---. Ubik. NY: Doubleday, 1969.
---. Ubik: The Screenplay. Minneapolis, MN: Corroboree
Press, 1985.
---. The Unteleported Man. NY: Ace Books, 1966.
---. Valis. NY: Bantam Books, 1981.
---. Vulcans Hammer. NY: Ace Books, 1960.
---. We Can Build You. NY: DAW, 1972.
---. The World Jones Made. NY: Ace Books, 1956.
---. The Zap Gun. NY: Pyramid, 1967.
Dick, Philip K. and Ray Nelson. The Ganymede Takeover.
NY: Ace Books, 1967.
Dick, Philip K. and Roger Zelazny. Deus Irae. NY: Doubleday
& Company, Inc., 1976.
Stories, essays, and fragments
(not first printings or original anthologies, but available and
---. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. 5 vols. Secaucus,
NJ: Citadel Twilight-Carol Publishing Group, 1991-1992.
---. The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick. Ed. Lawrence
Sutin. NY: Pantheon Books, 1995.
(very dense reading, but offers valuable insight into Dick's life)
Dick, Philip K. The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick: 1938-1971.
Ed. Don Herron. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1996.
---. The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick: 1972-1973.
Ed. Don Herron. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1993.
---. The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick: 1974. Ed.
Paul Williams. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1991.
---. The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick: 1975-1976.
Ed. Don Herron. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1992.
---. The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick: 1977-1979.
Ed. Don Herron. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1993.
About Dick
Apel, D. Scott, ed. Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection.
2nd ed. San Jose: The Impermanent Press, 1999.
Butler, Andrew M. The Pocket Essential Philip K. Dick. Harpenden:
Pocket Essentials, 2000.
Gillespie, Bruce, ed. Philip K. Dick: Electric Sheperd.
Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Nostrilia Press, 1975.
The Gospel According to Philip K. Dick. Dir. Mark Steensland.
Prod. Mark Steensland and Andy Massagli. 2000. DVD. First Run Features,
Greenburg, Martin Harry and Joseph D. Olander, eds. Philip K.
Dick. NY: Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.
Kerman, Judith B., ed. Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in
Ridley Scotts Blade Runner and Philip K. Dicks Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep? 2nd ed. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling
Green State University Popular Press, 1997.
Lee, Gwen and Sauter, Doris Elaine, ed. What if Our World is
Their Heaven? The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick. New
York: Peter Mayer Publishers, Inc./The Overlook Press, 2000.
Levack, Daniel J.H. PKD: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography--Revised
Edition. Westport, CT: Meckler Corporation, 1988.
Mackey, Douglas A. Philip K. Dick. Boston: G.K. Hall &
Co.-Twayne Publishers, 1988.
The Philip K. Dick Society Newsletter. 30 vols. Ed. Paul
Williams. Box 611, Glen Ellen, CA 95442. 1983-1992.
Rickman, Gregg. To the High Castle--Philip K. Dick: A Life 1928-1962.
Long Beach, CA: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1989.
Rickman, Gregg. Philip K. Dick: In His Own Words. Long Beach,
CA: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1984.
Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Novels of Philip K. Dick. Ann
Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International-UMI Research
Press, 1984.
Stableford, Brian K. and Clute, John. Dick, Philip K(indred)
(1928-1982). The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ed.
John Clute and Peter Nicholls. NY: St. Martins Griffin, 1995.
Sutin, Lawrence. Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick.
Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Twilight-Carol Publishing Group, 1991.
Umland, Samuel J., ed. Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical
Intepretations. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995.
Warrick, Patricia S. Mind in Motion: The Fiction of Philip K.
Dick. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University
Press, 1987.
Warrick, Patricia S. and Greenburg, Martin Harry, eds. Robots,
Androids, and Mechanical Oddities: The Science Fiction of Philip
K. Dick. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University
Press, 1984.
Williams, Paul. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K.
Dick. NY: Arbor House Publishing Company, 1986.