How to prepare and enjoy SPAM Luncheon Meat
Why SPAM Luncheon Meat?
To answer briefly, why not? SPAM Luncheon Meat
(henceforth referred to as "SPAM" for purposes of
brevity, though it should be noted that, according to the official
SPAM website, SPAM is an adjective and not a noun)
is more than a delicious combination of your favorite meats and
by-products packaged in a tin guaranteed to last through the next
Cold War in your underground bunker; SPAM consumption crosses
all georacial, sociopolitical, and econimosexual boundaries to become
an experience enjoyed by all! Remember: it's a tasty treat if you're
into meat!
How can I prepare and enjoy SPAM?
Step 1: Wake up
SPAM is very palatable early in the morning,
but you shouldn't wake up too early, or your crankiness
will disrupt your enjoyment of the meal.
Step 2: Put on a happy face
A Positive Mental Attitude is a very important part
of your SPAM experience!
Step 3: Obtain SPAM
Hopefully you have some SPAM in your garage or pantry.
Otherwise, you better run to the store and get some!
Step 4: Open SPAM
It's not gonna do you much good inside the tin, now is it?
Step 5: Smell SPAM
Mmm, smells good!
Step 6: Put SPAM in heated pan
You might want to put some butter or oil in the pan as well.
Step 7: Cook SPAM
But don't overcook it!
Step 8: Call your guests
If you're eating alone, that's okay too. But SPAM really
is a group experience.
Step 9: Serve SPAM
Sliced, diced, or mashed, SPAM tastes great!
Step 10: Enjoy
Wow, what a treat!
And the final step...
Step 11: Post-SPAM Super Happy Fun Time!!!
